We recommend that you scan the Dark Embrace character questionnaire below. If you are unsure what to enter for a particular selection, click the Tips link. After starting the questionnaire, if you need more time click Continue and your information will be saved for two weeks in your shopping cart.
The Dark Embrace storyline revolves around four main characters: a heroine, the hero, the heroine's female best friend and the hero's male best friend.
You can now dedicate your personalized novel to the lucky recipient, as well as select from a variety of special messages! Type in the recipient's name exactly as you wish it to appear (40 characters or fewer), then the name of the gift giver (usually your own name). Finally, choose your dedication message from the drop-down box. (The default message is "All My Love." Don't want any? Choose "No Message.")
Our paperback editions are just like standard paperbacks, except infinitely better... they're personalized!
We use a 'perfect binding' process, and our covers are printed in dazzling full-color, with several options available for customization.
4.25" x 7"
10.8cm x 17.7cm
Book By You® presents hardcover editions of our personalized novels: make your gift even more extraordinary!
Our hardcover editions are beautifully bound and make an amazing gift that will be treasured forever. Each book's striking artwork is laminated onto the sturdy cover material resulting in a rich, lustrous finish that will retain its original look for years.
5 3/4" x 8 5/8"
14.61cm x 21.91cm
Book By You® presents eBook editions of our personalized novels: give the gift of an e-reading experience to remember!
Our eBooks are available for download immediately upon ordering. To make them especially personal, each eBook includes a free photo upload feature! Add a personalized dedication, and the result is a remarkable eBook that can be taken anywhere and read any time!
PDF, ePub
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Michael Pocock
Book By You Publishing
For an extra $9.95, you can make your personalized Book By You® novel even more special by adding a photograph to the back cover! For a limited time - this photo option is FREE for eBooks. Note that for eBooks, the photo is displayed on the second page after the cover image.
Imagine the recipient's reaction to being the star of an exciting novel ... and having his or her very own image highlighted on the professionally-bound novel's back cover page! This remarkable and utterly unique keepsake will be enjoyed and treasured forever.
All you have to do is select the personalized book you wish to purchase and fill in the questionnaire, choosing the "add a custom photograph" option. Custom photographs can be placed on both our paperback or hardcover editions. Once you submit the questionnaire, you can then pick a photograph and upload it using our easy to use form.
An additional fee of only $9.95 will be added to your final total; no extra processing time is required. Best of all, when the book arrives your customized novel's back cover will beautifully display the image of the real star of the adventure -- whether it's you, your loved one or a friend!
We personalize our paperback front covers and the first pages of our hard covers, and they look absolutely stunning! Just think of your personalized novel on the bookshelf or coffee table with your heroine and/or hero's name highlighted in big bold letters. Additionally, if you choose to have a photo added to the back cover for paperbacks and hardcover editions, the names selected will also be included on the back cover. With eBook editions the names will appear above the photo displayed on the second page of the book.
Of the choices in the drop-down menu (e.g. Heroine and Hero's first names, Heroine's first and last names, etc.), most people select the Heroine and Hero's first names.
Note: all names will be taken from the top sections of the Character Questionnaire (for example, the Heroine's first and last names).
Our heroine is a life-force vampire/succubus, a dark creature who must snare and bind victims to her in order to feed off their energy - until the victim dies. She is mercurial and passionate, and somewhat naive in her attempts to consider her victims "companions" or "friends" while getting close to them. There's an otherworldly aspect to her; she has extraordinary senses and in the blink of an eye, can change from fierce anger to tremendous sorrow to lust and, when she meets the right person - love. She mourns for the human she used to be, as well as her past victims. She isolates herself so she isn't tempted to drain more people than necessary. Lonely and childlike at times, she's also very seductive and her hold on her latest victim--our hero--is magnetic. She's as drawn to him emotionally as he is to her. But only one of them can survive their bond... which one will make the ultimate sacrifice?
When entering the heroine's first and last names, include the commonly used first name and a surname that differs from the hero's last name. If you are purchasing this book for a married couple, use the heroine's maiden name. If you can't remember your heroine's maiden name, feel free to make one up. Unusual names like Bigglesworth are fine and are actually quite funny in the story!
Descriptions of hair color, length and type are included within the storyline of the book - so select the basic description that best suits the person you've picked to be the heroine. Not sure of the eye color? Many people select gray for those eye colors between hazel and blue. NOTE: We cannot add or change the descriptions that have been provided.
Our heroine's best friend is also a succubus, taking energy from victims. Unlike our heroine, she can attack multiple victims at a time, and tends to leave them alive. She is beautiful, elegant, and far more used to this life than our heroine. She is cynical about true love and certainly doesn't approve of a romance between a vampire and a human, advising her friend to steer clear of such entanglements. She can be self-absorbed, greedy, and highly sensual, but is also a loyal friend who provides heartfelt advice to her dearest friend.
If you can't think of a 'female friend' for the heroine, don't worry! Select a public figure or Hollywood star.
Descriptions of hair color, length and type are included within the storyline of the book - so select the basic description that best suits the person you have picked to be the heroine's friend. Not sure of the eye color for the best friend? Many people select gray for those eye colors between hazel and blue. NOTE: We cannot add or change the descriptions that have been provided.
The hero is a gifted Shadow Ward, responsible for finding and escorting lost souls to the Pool of Sorrows, where they will find some peace. He has a dark sense of humor and is fearless, having once died himself (he was brought back to life, which is when he became a Ward); he feels genuine empathy for the souls who cannot rest. When he hunts for the heroine, believing her to be a lost soul, he's furious to be trapped by her tricks and believes she is sorceress; mostly he's righteously angry that the souls he normally helps may suffer. His compassion for the heroine's situation soon takes over, as does his desire for her, and though he is trapped in her web, he develops feelings for her--feelings he's only felt once before. Reluctant to give his heart to another woman after losing someone else he loved, he is conflicted by the blossoming relationship with the heroine. Eventually he must decide whether to sacrifice himself for her, or to escape and let her go -- very possibly killing her in the process.
If you can't think of a 'hero'- pick a Hollywood star or public figure. Let your heroine fall in love with Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Robert Pattinson, Christian Bale, Denzell Washington, Jon Hamm, Colin Firth, or any other hot celeb! (Unfortunately you can only pick one!) Or pick a fun character such as Al Bundy or Homer Simpson.
Choose the commonly used first name for the person you have selected. For instance, use Bob instead of Robert if he is commonly referred to as 'Bob'.
Descriptions of hair color, length and type are included within the storyline of the book - so select the basic description that best suits the person you have picked to be the hero. Not sure of the eye color for our hero? (If it's your husband - don't worry, he probably can't remember yours either!) Many people select gray for those eye colors between hazel and blue. NOTE: We cannot add or change the descriptions that have been provided.
The hero's friend is also a Shadow Ward, but is also in the service of a group of powerful vampires who seek a cure for their bloodthirsty plight. He is extremely responsible, smart, somewhat of a research nerd, and is very cautious. He worries for his best friend's safety, warning him not to fall in love with a succubus/vampire. He and the hero tend to mock one another's flaws but share a close friendship and are very loyal to each other.
If you can't think of a male friend for the hero, don't worry: select a fictional character or even a Hollywood star! Imagine the hero having Brad Pitt or Will Smith as a buddy.
First name: | heroinefirstname | |
Last name: | heroinelastname | |
Eye color: | heroineeyecolor | |
Hair color: | heroinehaircolor | |
Hair length: | heroinehairlength | |
Hair style: | heroinehairstyle | |
Figure: | heroinefigure |
Friend's first name: | friendfirstname | |
Friend's last name: | friendlastname | |
Friend's eye color: | friendeyecolor | |
Friend's hair color: | friendhaircolor | |
Friend's hair length: | friendhairlength | |
Friend's hair style: | friendhairstyle | |
Friend's figure: | friendfigure |
First name: | herofirstname | |
Last name: | herolastname | |
Eye color: | heroeyecolor | |
Hair color: | herohaircolor | |
Hair length: | herohairlength | |
Hair style: | herohairstyle | |
Body type: | herobody |
Friend's first name: | villianfirstname | |
Friend's last name: | villianlastname | |
Friend's eye color: | villaineyecolor | |
Friend's hair color: | villainhaircolor | |
Friend's hair length: | villainhairlength | |
Friend's hair style: | villainhairstyle | |
Body type: | villainfigure |
3: | heroine & hero first names | |
1: | heroine first & last name | |
2: | hero first & last name |