Book Cover for Personalized Preview - Fifty Shades of Gay F/F

Fifty Shades of Gay F/F

Personalized Preview

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We've selected excerpts from Fifty Shades of Gay F/F for you to personalize and preview. In the form below, fill in the character and features, then select the preview button at the bottom of the page.

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The full questionnaire has 4 characters and 26 features to personalize.

Heroine #1 Information

Confident, powerful, and dominating both in the corporate world and in the bedroom (or playroom!). The lead character.

(Formal first name - Jennifer versus Jenn. Only capitalize first letter!)
(Informal/casual name - Jenn versus Jennifer. No informal name - use a nickname.)
(Use maiden name if the spouse is the hero.)

Heroine #2 Information

College student who is wholesome and shy at first, she lives a vanilla life and is perfectly happy until she meets our heroine!

Heroine #1 Female Friend

Our heroine's friend and personal assistant.