Book Cover for Personalized Preview - The Secret Garden

The Secret Garden

Personalized Preview

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The full questionnaire has 4 characters and 15 features to personalize.

"Mary" Information

Mary begins the story as a spoiled little girl. After she is orphaned and moves to live with her uncle, she softens when she makes new friends and takes on the project of tending a hidden garden. Her blossoming coincides with the renewal of the garden and her cousin's own improved health.

"Colin" Information

Mary's cousin Colin is a sickly boy who's been kept hidden and treated like an invalid his whole life by his father, who still mourns the loss of his wife (Colin's mother). The boy's spirits and health improve when Mary and Dickon vow to restore his ability to walk and play.

"Dickon" Information

The good-natured young brother of the manor's housemaid, Dickon and Mary fall into an easy friendship; he's kind to animals and loves gardening. He's the first person to whom Mary reveals the secret of the garden.