In Art of Romance, a ruthless thief violently interrupts plans for an upcoming museum art exhibit. Our heroine, the museum's conservator with a keen eye for detail and a talent for trouble, suspects that one particular painting holds the key to a two-hundred-year-old mystery with potentially deadly consequences.
The sizzling-hot police detective in charge of the investigation (our brave hero) isn't so certain; in fact, he believes it's an inside job... and his experienced, razor-sharp mind soon targets our heroine as a possible suspect. Even though he's drawn to her - he never mixes business and pleasure.
Meanwhile, the heroine digs away at the truth by inspecting the painting. Peeling away at the layers of time, she makes an astonishing discovery -- a secret of long-lost gold that the painter intended to take to his grave.
Even with this revelation, the veteran cop doesn't buy that the truth lies in the distant past ... especially when a terrifying attack nearly cuts short the heroine's own history once and for all. Luckily our hero was in the neighborhood and saves the day, and the case takes on a more personal note.
Fighting back, our heroine consults with her best friend, a savvy historian, to decipher the clues; meanwhile, the hero and his fun-loving pilot buddy also fly to the rescue. All four must race to hunt down the gold and the robber -- before the dangerous thief finds them!
With floatplane rides, historical puzzles and underwater exploration, Art of Romance is an adrenaline-filled mystery spanning two centuries. ...Read Less